Thursday 20 February 2014

Act of Contrition: A Requirement in the Sacrament of Reconciliation

A person must have a contrite heart for the sacrament of Reconciliation to be effective. A contrite heart expresses repentance, without which there can be no forgiveness of sin. Thus, the act of contrition was formulated to express the thoughts of such a contrite heart. It is a requirement of the Sacrament.

When people go for confession, some may have forgotten how to recite the "Act of Contrition" prayer. It is best if people can recite this prayer from the heart, but for those of us who are becoming less able to remember things, here are some "Act of Contrition" prayers to recite. You may wish to write one down or print it out for you to keep and bring around, so that it is convenient for you to take it out and recite when you go for confession.

In English (Choose one only)
  1. O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I detest all my sins because of your just punishment, but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.
  2. O My God, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you; Because you are so good and with your help I will not sin again.
In BM (This prayer is for BM-speaking Catholics only) (Pilih satu sahaja)
  1. Allah yang Maharahim, aku menyesal atas dosa-dosaku, sebab patut aku Engkau hukum, terutama sebab aku telah menghina Engkau yang Mahamurah dan Mahabaik bagiku. Aku benci akan segala dosaku dan berjanji dengan pertolongan rahmat-Mu hendak memperbaiki hidupku dan tidak akan berbuat dosa lagi. Ya Allah, kasihanilah aku, orang yang berdosa ini. Amin.
  2. Allahku, dengan seluruh hatiku aku menyesali dosa-dosaku. Dengan berbuat jahat aku lalai untuk berbuat baik. Aku telah berdosa terhadap Engkau, yang seharusnya kucintai di atas segala-galanya. Dengan bantuan-Mu aku berjanji untuk tidak berdosa lagi, untuk bertobat, dan menghindari apa saja yang dapat menjerumuskan aku ke dalam dosa. Amin.
In Mandarin (选一个)
  1. 天主,为了我所犯的一切罪过,和我应做而没有尽到的本分,我全心痛悔,因为我得罪了你,极仁慈的天主。现在,依靠你圣宠的助佑,我决心悔改,善作补赎,愿永远生活在您的爱里。阿门。
  2. 我的天主,我的慈父,我犯罪得罪了您,很觉惭愧,也真心痛悔。 因为我辜负了您的慈爱,妄用了您的恩宠。 我今定志,宁死再不得罪您,并尽力躲避犯罪的机会,我的天主,求您垂怜我,宽赦我。阿门。
  3. 主,耶稣基督,你是除免世罪的天主羔羊,求你籍着神的恩宠,恢复我与圣父间的关系;在你为我所流的圣血中,洗净我的一切罪污;并为你圣名的光荣,赐给我新生。阿门。
  4. 吾主耶稣,基利斯督,造我养我,救我的主。 我重罪人,得罪天主。 今特为爱天主在万有之上,真心痛悔,恼恨我罪,决意定改,宁死再不敢犯天主的诫命,恳望吾主,念尔受难之功,可怜赦我的罪。阿门。

Quotes and Anecdotes Throughout Ministry (The Story of our Lives so far)

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