Wednesday, 22 April 2015


保持家庭或是居所的卫生和整洁是我们通常每天都要处理的生活习惯. 保持清洁就是要清除垃圾. 堆积在家里或是周围环境的垃圾 , 将会吸引很多危害人类健康的昆虫,爬虫, 或是老鼠之类的动物. 它们将在垃圾堆里寻找所需的食物,因此,它们也会互相残杀, 更会带来一些有害人类的疾病.相信大家都在媒体中看到有关的动物造成可怕的疾病.而且难以应对。





Monday, 20 April 2015

Are We Really Keeping Clean?

Maintaining cleanliness in our homes or living quarters is something we do regularly to ensure good hygiene and overall tidiness. Maintaining cleanliness includes taking out the garbage, lest the house itself ends up becoming a rubbish dump, which would then attract unwanted creatures like cockroaches, rats, mice and other creepy crawlies which either thrive on the rubbish or feed on the pests and vermin that thrive on the rubbish, which would then pose a danger to humans. We have read horrible accounts of diseases and other deadly forms brought by such unwanted creatures.

Likewise, most of us would make much effort in keeping our bodies clean and healthy. We would eat well, take vitamins and other supplements, go for regular exercise and go for regular medical checkups. Most of us would also bathe regularly and put on nice smelling perfume, so that we feel clean and pleasant smelling as much as possible. We would not want our body odour to get the attention of others around us, as we would feel quite embarrassed if people start holding their noses and looking at us with disgust. Could you just imagine what would happen if we did not take a bath for a few days, or even for a week? Surely people would avoid us as the stench, stink and smell emitting from our body would to quite unbearable and nauseating.

If you noticed, keeping our homes and living quarters clean and tidy, as well as keeping our bodies healthy and clean are only temporary matters. One day, our homes and living quarters will become obsolete, and we may need to have it renovated extensively, or even torn down to be rebuilt as new. Our bodies too do not last forever, it doesn't matter whether it is sooner or later, we will die one day. This leaves us with something which perhaps many of us have been neglecting or have not been giving enough attention: our soul. Our soul will not die, but will live on and face God some day. If we consider for a moment: our homes and living quarters may be clean; our bodies may be clean; but is our soul clean?

Each time we sin, it doesn't matter whether we committed a small sin or a serious sin, our soul is being stained and soiled. As long as we do not clean our soul, the stain remains. When a stain is found on your shirt or dress, would you let it be? Surely we would get rid of the stain as quickly as possible, since the stain would eventually ruin the shirt or dress if we do not do anything about it. But it seems strange that there are people who do not seem to bother about removing the stain on their soul as quickly as possible. Such people go on living, thinking they have got plenty of time to get the stain on their soul removed, but what they fail to realise is that the longer they leave the stain there, the harder it is for them to get it removed. Not only that, they may be caught off-guard and may not have the opportunity to get the stain on their soul removed since death could come unexpectedly. What would happen then?

To clean our souls, we need to go for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. At the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it is Jesus who is forgiving your sins and cleaning our souls. It seems strange that, though we have easy access to the Sacrament of Reconciliation by just going to a priest, some of us seem to be slacking or procrastinating. Some of us seem to be content with going for the Sacrament of Reconciliation only once or twice a year, especially during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Does that mean we have managed to control ourselves to the point where we sin very little, or even managed not to sin at all? Or are we just being lazy and making all sorts of excuses not to go regularly? Remember that the Lord could call us at any time to give an account of our lives. May we not be caught unprepared, and through our own neglect, cause us to lose our eternal reward.

Saturday, 11 April 2015


由于教会法 (877#1)的规定,为了确保教友的一切重要个人资料包括领洗证书,不会遗失,教会还是把各种个人资料记录在册子或书本中。至于用电脑保存教友个人资料,有可能容易遗失,而且不是每个堂区有电脑人才,经费和适合材器来处理该事项。


  1. 完整姓名(根据国民身份证的登记或是报生纸的资料)。
  2. 出生日期(根据报生纸上的资料)
  3. 出生地点(包括医院或是诊疗所名字)。
  4. 父母姓名(完整姓名)
  5. 领洗日期(假如不能记得,提供大约的日期)。
  6. 领洗地点(教堂或是小堂名字,地方名等)。
  7. 领洗时的圣名(完整圣名而不是别名,更不是简称).
  8. 领洗时代父母的名字。

Monday, 6 April 2015


  1. 提早到场。 假如你通常比较喜欢向那从远方来的神父办告解而你又迟到,那么你可能会见不到他。提早到场也可以给教友们更多的时间去准备办个妥善的告解。
  2. 如果有小孩的教友们要办告解,拜托你吩咐先生或太太暂时守住他们。不然,他们可能会骚扰他人祈祷或办告解。
  3. 当你告解时,请你直接说出罪过。不需要说出犯罪的始末或是来龙去脉。
  4. 告解是直接向神父说出你的罪过而不是告他人的罪行。有些教友却向神父投诉有关太太,先生或孩子们的事情。神父没有兴趣听你们发牢骚。
  5. 告解之前好好准备和反省。如此,你才能发觉所犯下的罪过,尤其是严重的过失。
  6. 准备告解时,切记要保持冷静。尤其是在告解之前,正在进行中或是之后,都不应被一些事情来分散你的集中力。
  7. 应当要谦虚礼让,尤其是泊车或是等待告解时。因你的恶劣行为而导致他人犯罪是不应该的。举例来说,到教堂时把车子泊好在泊车格里,以免妨碍其他车主的需要。有些车主随意泊过位,而阻碍他人的需要,因此,也造成他人大发牢骚。
  8. 请记得告解的程序。反之,神父会引导你办个妥善的告解。最好教友能够知道告解时应该说什么和做什么。这样不但可以顺利告解而且也不妨碍其他教友的时间。
  9. 告解时切记要控制情绪。我们知道有些教友因罪过而感到伤心或很羞愧而哭泣。但是,告解室不是一个心理辅导中心。如果教友遇到这种问题时,最好找辅导师的帮忙。
  10. 告解后,用一时间祈祷。过后请你离开。尤其是教堂里的泊车位很有限时。让其教友也可方便停车而办告解。

Quotes and Anecdotes Throughout Ministry (The Story of our Lives so far)

Having been a priest for several years, I have from time to time come up with interesting quotes from different sources. Some of these quote...